aspect-ratio 10x9 Film still: casual work of a slave girl, 1973

Film still: casual work of a slave girl, 1973 (© Filmgalerie 451)

Cinema in the Blue Salon: Casual Work of a Slave

Roswitha is in her late twenties, mother of three children and breadwinner for her family. While her husband Franz gets upset and makes fun of her work, her way of doing things and her everyday decisions, Roswitha decides to stop devoting herself exclusively to her family and become politically active.

BRD 1973, 131 minutes, 16mm
Director: Alexander Kluge
With Alexandra Kluge, Bion Steinborn, Alfred Edel
Supporting film: Kaskara - Director: Dore O., BRD 1974, 20 minutes, 16mm

Monday June 26, 2023, 7 p.m.
Blue Salon, Room 012, HfG Karlsruhe
Free admission

More About the film program in the summer semester:

After a long renovation break, the Blaue Salon opens its freshly painted doors again. From April to July, we always show a short pre-film on the last Monday of the month (mnemonic: Le-Mo-De-Mo), as well as a feature film in analog 16mm film projection.

24.04. In a year with 13 moons (1978)
29.05. Girl in Uniform (1931)
26.06. Casual Labor of a Slave (1973)
31.07. Portrait of a Drunkard (1979)

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aspect-ratio 10x9 Film still: Kaskara, 1974

Film still: Kaskara, 1974

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