aspect-ratio 10x9

© Huiyeon Yun, Nicolas Poirot, Emre Kizildelioglu, Jesse Schmeller

Lecture Cuts to Immersion
Marita Tatari
23.01.2023, 18:00, Light Bridge

The world is no longer facing us, the future is no longer our projection. The crises of the present, the colonial violence of the Western claim to universality, the climate catastrophe and the development of technology have shown: no collective self-consciousness can make up the whole of reality as history. The times of the hegemony of the subject are over. There is no whole that encompasses the partial activities, but: each part is infinitely more than the whole. Technology manifests itself as this surplus of self. We are embedded in it. The concern for a common that has been the cause of art (as well as philosophy and politics) must be rethought. Under the conditions of digital immersion in processual networks without beginning and end, it is necessary to open the place of an indeterminable address. The address of a we that escapes us and alienates us, while we are nevertheless with-it: Cuts to immersion precisely where technology becomes the world.

Marita Tatari holds the professorship of Philosophical Aesthetics at the HfbK Braunschweig. Her research areas are aesthetics and art theory, epistemology of performance, and media philosophy. She received her PhD from Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg under Jean-Luc Nancy, and completed her habilitation in theater studies at Ruhr University Bochum. Her publications include: Kunstwerk als Handlung - Transformationen von Ausstellung und Teilnahme, Fink 2017, Cum - Weiterdenken mit Jean-Luc Nancy (ed. with Susanna Lindberg and Artemy Magun), diaphanes 2023, Orte des Unermesslichen - Theater nach der Geschichtsteleologie (ed.), diaphanes 2014, Heidegger et Rilke - Interprétation et partage de la poésie, L'Harmattan 2013, Ästhetische Universalität - Vom fortbestehenden Wir, Metzler (forthcoming).

There will be a workshop with Marita Tatari & Constanze Fischbeck on Tuesday, January 24, 2-5pm, open to all HfG students. Please register for this by Friday, January 20: The event is part of the seminar Scenography in the present - artistic strategies for performative spatial designs, organized by Prof. Constanze Fischbeck and Ebba Fransén Waldhör, as part of the 30th anniversary of the HfG.

Next dates:

6.02 / 18.00 h / Lecture: Choy Ka Fai. 7.02 / 14-17 h / Workshop: Choy Ka Fai.

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