aspect-ratio 10x9 Film still: Portrait of a Drunkard, 1979

Film still: Portrait of a Drunkard, 1979 (© Arsenal Institut für Film und Videokunst)

Cinema in the Blue Salon: Portrait of a Drunkard

"She," elegant and rich, decides to travel to Berlin - aller, jamais retour - to indulge her self-destructive passion: she wants to drink, drink through, drink forever. Together with a homeless woman, the nameless heroine of excess boozes and riots her way through the foreign metropolis on her booze odyssey, while the three snooty congresswomen 'Exakte Statistik', 'Soziale Frage' and 'Gesunder Menschenverstand' comment on the events.

BRD 1979, 107 minutes, 35mm
Director: Ulrike Ottinger
With Tabea Blumenschein, Christine Lutze, Nina Hagen, Volker Spengler
Supporting film: The Flying Suitcase - Director: Lotte Reininger, D 1921, 8 minutes, 16mm

Monday July 31, 2023, 7 p.m.
Blue Salon, Room 012, HfG Karlsruhe
Free admission

More About the film program in the summer semester:

After a long renovation break, the Blauer Salon opens its freshly painted doors again. From April to July we always show on the last Monday of the month (Eselsbrücke: Le-Mo-De-Mo) a short pre-film, as well as a feature film in analog 16mm film projection.

24.04. In a year with 13 moons (1978)
29.05. Girls in Uniform (1931)
26.06. Casual Labor of a Slave (1973)
31.07. Portrait of a Drunkard (1979)

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aspect-ratio 10x9 Film still: The Flying Suitcase, 1921

Film still: The Flying Suitcase, 1921

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