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Photo: Eisenhart Keimeyer

Sunday, July 24, 2022, marked the end of the well-attended tour of the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, which for the first time in a long time was able to take place on site without restrictions. In addition to the presentation of student work and projects from previous semesters, the program once again included performances, guided tours, readings, concerts and a variety of other activities. At the opening of the tour, as every year, prizes were awarded to students for outstanding artistic achievements.

Erik Grunder from the Product Design program at the HfG Karlsruhe was awarded the Gunther Schroff Prize for his sustainable pre-diploma project "852". BBBank awarded its prize to Sandra Schick (Communication Design) for her book "Celestial Bodies". The prize of the Heinrich Hertz Gesellschaft was awarded to Arno Schlipf (Communication Design) for his diploma project "Miwos - An open platform and hardware for MIDI-based music interaction". The Fördergesellschaft ZKM / HfG awarded their prizes to Dohi Kim (Media Art) for her audiovisual piece "WHERE DO YOU GO IF DREAMS DON'T FIX YOU?" and Severin Geißler (Communication Design) for his diploma thesis "SPUREN FOLGEN". This year's inaugural HfG Faculty Prize was awarded to the Community Toolkit Workshop, an initiative of HfG Karlsruhe students and faculty to develop tools and resources that can help address structural and open-ended problems.

The HfG Prizes were presented with the kind support of the Fördergesellschaft ZKM / HfG.

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