Wanze, Stuhl und Lampe
An office with two IKEA Ivar chairs. Plants have grown into and fully entwine the chairs, providing a habitat for bugs, woodlice, and earwigs. Next to this, a three-channel video installation presents the performance of artistic research. The starting point is the decline in insect populations and the question of what a shared habitat between humans and insects could look like when natural habitats disappear. Can a habitat shift succeed? How can care for the radically Other, the insect, be lived? How can fears and prejudices be overcome? The challenge and the enrichment of a shared habitat are not presented in 4K on Netflix but put right on our skin in all its ambivalence.
Sascha Jungbauer, 1982 in Limburg geboren, lebt und arbeitet als freier Künstler in Karlsruhe. Sein aktuelles Werk beschäftigt sich mit dem Artensterben und die Beziehung des modernen Menschen zum Insekt.