© Vanessa Bosch

© Vanessa Bosch

© Vanessa Bosch
Titel: wet together
Diplom Medienkunst 2021
WET TOGETHER (2021) is the title of the diploma installation by media artist Vanessa Bosch. The center piece is the video manifesto about Hydrofeminism It assembles footage by various artists, dealing with water, (life) cycles, post-humanism in the anthropocene and the question of biases and gender in one way or another. Several glass sculptures accompany the video and add a level of figurative realization. They float between nudibranchs and gender-fluid sex toys. As bodies of water, they also inhabit spirits of this planets ocean, vibrance and wetness. Their fragility is therefore not only reminiscent of intimacy, but also of the sea bed’s vulnerability. These queer satisfyers have been created with the help of glass sculptor Markus Marschmann, their pillows are sewn by Corinne Riepert.
Queerness meets environmental consciousness. The individual is eyed from a watery point of view and called upon to rethink its interactions and dependencies on a private as well as on a global scale. Luise Peschko, Edwin Fuhrmann, Gerda Iguchi, Charlotte Nies, Janis Zeckai, Jannik Lang and Julius Bläser were allied artificers of this shared realm, which Vanessa created for her diploma show in November 2021.
WET TOGETHER offers a new view on how we could understand ourselves and our surroundings today and how we interact with one another.
Vanessa Bosch ist Medienkünstlerin und beendete ihr Studium an der HfG Karlsruhe im November 2021. Ihr Diplom WET TOGETHER war eine multimediale Installation, die sich mit Hydrofeminismus auseinander setzte. Der Fokus ihrer künstlerischen Arbeiten und Recherche liegt auf Wasser als queere Materie, sowohl in ökologischen als auch philosophischen Kontexten. Vorwiegend arbeitet sie mit audio-visuellen Techniken, die durch narrative und performative Methoden und Ausdrucksweisen strukturiert werden.