Lisa Eigmüller, Ina Grabosch, Hyeonju Lee, Tizian Repp, Luca Sequeira Ferreira, Lilith Stumpf, Sören Göbel, Viola Trinica, Eunchae Won, En-Tong Wu, Rui Zhang
Welcome to The Liminal Eatery.
By way of objects, mixed sensory media, and augmented reality, this result from a seminar investigate a multisensory ‚phygital‘ dining through an assembly of eleven works and eleven categories. From Invitation, Menu, Table cloth, Napkin, Plate, Cutlery, Starter, Main Course, Centerpiece, Drink and Sound, they explore our relationship with digital technology and future dining experiences.
Exploring the (possible) dimensions of future drinking experiences
Work in progress
Category: Drinks
Drinking is social, drinking is pausing, drinking is a part of the dining choreography. Drinking is needed, to drink you need a container, drinks gives height to a tableware set up on the dining table. What happens with the drink when I take it away change the well known dimension of the drinking container? Take this balance, take this height. The drink transforms into a surface, covering the table, drinking receives a two dimensional shape imitating screens of devices that surround us everyday but in this case the sensation of the drink is not decreased by this two dimensional shape it is rather enhanced by creating a whole new experience on drinking. It allows to play, push, drag, squeeze the drinks and by trans forming the whole table surface drinking gets collective, playful and sensory.
Work in progress
Category: Cutlery
"Broth slowly drips onto the algae shell and inflates the shell - Underneath, the red braided core makes itself visible. Finally, the pearl can be sucked from the net. Jaw muscles tighten at the slightly sour, salty taste."
Along with the introduction of new eating habits and new technologies comes the question of what new rituals are being created for the food itself. How can we prepare dishes in the future to eat them directly with our hands and make the process of food preparation visible?
Work in progress
Category: Main Course
Chewing is the first process of digestion. Digestion is the fundamental level of settling down. For the direction of our society’s development, settling down has various meanings compared to the past. For me, settling down is not a movement anymore but a moment that I can relieve my tensions. Chewing ‘main course’ is a part of relieving. However, when we chew with our mouths, swallowing is a default next step after chewing. I think in the future swallowing the main dish is not something that you must do. we will not chew something for swallowing up but embedding some missing parts of us. Therefore, with this project, I want to chew textures, not the tastes, by hand.
Work in progress
Category: Invitation
An invitation is about connecting two parties, the one sending out the invitation and the one receiving the invitation, the hos t& the recipient. Today an invitation is most likely to be sent out via mail, or a short message. In the future, using technology that’s rather uncommon today, we might be able to send and receive more immersive invitations, that can bring back a personal layer, which was lost with the „end“ of handwritten invitations that came by post in an envelope. Through AR and digital tools the project explore the potential of making the invitations more interactive and memorable again.
Work in progress
Category: Menu
Smell, in particular, holds a significant role in our life and dining experiences. It has the ability to evoke emotions and trigger memories, as it is closely linked to the limbic system, which is responsible for our emotions and memory formation. Digital menus have primarily focused on providing factual information. By combining smell and touch I want to reimagine the menu in our digital age, transforming it into a sensory and personal experience. The project explores possibilities of immersive and interactive menus that engages multiple senses, sets the mood for the food, and goes beyond a piece of static information.
Work in progress
Category: Napkin
The napkin is a tool that has gotten less important in daily life. We mainly eat with cutlery nowadays, so the cleaning aspect is less important and also ‚proper‘ eating etiquette is less important, so using a proper cloth napkin is also rare. This opens up the possibility to imagine the napkin as a different tool with new uses while still referring to the qualities it historically holds. The project highlights the napkin as more than a tool, elevating its position during the dinner experience as a 3D napkin and usable sculpture, tactile with digital layers.
Work in progress
Category: Starter
Taking cues from the principles of modulation (AM and FM), the clay3D printed eating tray makes a common digital process visible through an analog object. Modulation is one of the most important processes in communications engineering. It enables us to make phone calls, use wifi, bluetooth, microphones and much more. We encounter it all the time in our digital communication-life without noticing it directly. Only at second glance the user should realise that the tableware was not really shaped by human hands. Just like you often only notice at second glance where our digital reality and future “makes waves“ all around us.
Work in progress
Category: Centerpiece
Kadupul is a hypothetical centrepiece in a predicted future where more and more plants will be extinct, and non organic flowers will decorate our dining tables. It can also show one's status, becoming a great conversation starter, but it could also hide unexpected functions that will broaden the experience. The flower at the center of this project is the Kadupul Flower, a plant from Sri Lanka that blooms just once a year and live only for a few hours. Because of its endangered status and short life span, it becomes a metaphor of the environmental issues that the Earth is currently facing. The result will be a 3d printed centerpiece with digital portals.
Sounds around Meals
Work in progress
Category: Sound
Watching or listening to something during eating is common in many households, not just those where someone lives alone. In general, watching or listening to something while eating is against what we call mindful eating. Mindful eating is to pay attention to what you eat, notice the colors, textures, and smells, and take a deep breath and try to let go of any distractions or stress. This interactive installation invites people to eat mindfully, whilst still benefit from listening and watching while eating. It explores how different background sounds can affect our mood and how we can use sound to enhance our dining experiences.
Work in progress
Category: Table Cloth
The cooperation and interaction of our senses build up the dining experience. Colors and appearance of the table setting are the main factors for how we expect the taste of food. The sense of taste becomes stronger and sensitive when other senses, for example, the taste of vision, are hidden or absent. The project result should be like a space for trying and experiencing a new method of dining. Therefore, the idea of tablecloth will be floating above the table and food to make the appearances of the food hard to recognize.
Work in progress
Category: Plate
I want to make eating like a game or have more freedom to choose or design own plate.
Eater can choose the presetting forms and pieces. then joint/ combine them together to make a new form of plates. It means people can not only choose dishes by oneself, also can participate the process to design the table ware. And it could also satisify different needs. (size/ color/ functions/ form.). Then the eating process would be more enjoyable. Also for some exquisite meals, it could also make the waiting time not so boring.