Diploma Exhibition Design & Scenography
Making Something from Some Things reifies the potential of female production in caring in and with domestic space. Lizzy Ellbrück treats creative activity as an artistic practice and relates domestic space as an emancipatory site of production and negotiation. She modifies objects into overtrained and -stylized things that stimulate somatic effects, correct posture, discipline the body, cite or adorn it. The Somethings were exhibited in the home of the Badischer Kunstverein and inventoried in a publication.
Title: Making Something from Some Things
Medium: 108 Somethings, staged and inventoried in a publication and exhibition
Year: 2023
Supervising Prof.: James Langdon/ Céline Condorelli
Lizzy Ellbrück studied interdisciplinary art history (B.A.) at the Technical University of Berlin and exhibition design, scenography and curatorial practice (Dipl. Szen.) at the HfG Karlsruhe. Her artistic approach is characterized by devotional oscillation. She juggles language, maneuvers through gestures and disciplines, balances things and attributions, and critically engages with making and the politics of the gaze. Her polymorphous practice is formulated in objects, words, installations, and publications.