© Wilhelm Fink Verlag
Bettina Dunker’s dissertation, “Image-Plural. Multiple Pictorial Forms in Contemporary Photography” was published in November 2017 by Wilhelm Fink Verlag. It deals with the apparent constant accumulation of images, particularly in the emergence of digital photography in the artistic field. It aims to give a first systematic overview of the plural image as pictorial form. The plural image is based on semantic contexts that arise through the relations of multiple images with each other. This shifts the focus from the production of images to their handling; selection, combination, and arrangement require their own creativity. The central question of the book is that of the potentiality of the image-plural, to which there are two associated approaches. On the one hand, a plural typology is designed and characteristics of the image-plural are developed with the aid of a range of artistic positions from Wolfgang Tillmans to Nan Goldin. On the other, the current economy of multiple pictorial forms with regard to the contemporary art system and the medium of photography is analysed.
Wolfgang Ullrich (HfG Karlsruhe), Martina Dobbe (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)
Book information:
Bettina Dunker: Bilder-Plural. Multiple Bildformen in der Fotografie der Gegenwart
Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2018
271 Seiten, 58 s/w Abb.
ISBN 978-3-7705-6231-2