© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz

© Joanne Dietz
It was a rainy Thursday in May when K.R. came to an abandoned place. He found himself between eighteen strange objects and geometric shapes. It seemed puzzling to him what might have happened there in the past.
What he couldn't have known - he was in the middle of the mini golf course in Karlsruhe. His observations are recorded objectively in the form of notes. First, he describes the atmosphere. Then in simple words each individual object. These short descriptions allow various associations. Several people visualized the things they thought of when reading the descriptions, without knowing that it was miniature golf. The resulting drawings were passed on and described again. This process was then repeated for the final time so that the drawings from the last round have little to do with the original observations. This system symbolizes the path of a mini golf ball, only reaching its goal by overcoming obstacles.
In the booklet, the original descriptions were combined with the object drawings from the final round.
At the Rundgang in 2018, the results of the seminar were displayed in a souvenir shop. For this purpose, Joanne Dietz and Juliane Schmitt created eighteen small fossil-like forms out of clay with the aid of objects from the mini golf course. They also translated five of the drawings into 3D renders to print on postcards.
Tutors: Rudy Guedj und Will Pollard