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Repressive Tolerance - State Violence and the Frontiers of Democracy in Belarus, Ukraine, and Europe at the Kunsthalle Mannheim + online stream (link below)
31.3 - 1.4 2022

in the context of the exhibition MINDBOMBS - Visual Cultures of Political Violence at Kunsthalle Mannheim. In cooperation with the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung and supported by the Innovationsfonds Kunst Baden-Württemberg.

The symposium sets itself the task of focusing on political violence, which is negotiated in the present under the term "terror." The instrumentalization of the term "terror" is often directed against those people who join democratic movements and publicly denounce the abuse of power by despotic regimes. The attack against the civilian population and the basic structures of democracy requires solidarity and diplomatic resistance. The symposium invites experts, activists and witnesses involved in the recent democracy movements in Belarus. In addition, artists involved in the exhibition and participants of the working group "Brick by Brick" will speak about their artistic work.

The symposium is conceived by Prof. Susanne Kriemann, HfG Karlsruhe and Dr. Sebastian Baden, Kunsthalle Mannheim and organized by Anna Knöller and Karolina Sobel.

Further information

Online stream

We would be happy to welcome you!


Thursday March 31st, 2022

1.30 – 2 pm Welcome by curator Dr. Sebastian Baden

2 – 3 pm "'Jetzt kann ich nur marschieren!' Art, Witness, Violence. Three theses" Keynote by Tania Arcimovič, PhD, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Gießen

3 – 4 pm "Facing with the Unthinkable: The ‘solidarity of the shaken’, the political Sublime, and the ethics of non-violence in the Belarusian protest movement" Keynote by Prof. Dr. Tatiana Shchyttsova, European Humanities University, Vilnius

4.15 – 6 pm Extended exhibition tour "MINDBOMBS" with present artists moderated by Dr. Sebastian Baden, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann, Friederike Schäfer

6.30 – 8 pm Round Table with Tania Arcimovič, Dr. Sebastian Baden, Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann, Prof. Susanne Kriemann, Almut Linde, Georg Lutz, Prof. Dr. Tatiana Shchyttsova, Friederike Schäfer and students/ alumni of HfG Karlsruhe Vanessa Bosch, Mustafa Emin Büyükcoşkun, Anna Knöller, Judith Milz, Johanna Schäfer, Natalia Schmidt, Karolina Sobel, Janis Zeckai.

Friday April 1st, 2022

9.30 – 11 am Film-matinée „This Rain Will Never Stop“ (Ukraine, Lettland, Germany, Qatar, 2020, director Alina Gorlova

11– 12 am "'Hauptsache, kein Krieg!' Über den Umgang mit historischen Gewalterfahrungen und dem Ukraine-Krieg in Belarus", Dr. Astrid Sahm, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin

12.30 – 1.30 pm Round Table with Alina Gorlova, Dr. Astrid Sahm, Dr. Sebastian Baden

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