aspect-ratio 10x9

© Amanda Beech

Beech will discuss the overarching themes of her work, concentrating on the possibilities for a realist art and what this means for art, politics and culture today. She will concentrate on specific video works that have explored how philosophical questions about what subtends our reality, produces reality. In particular, and addressing the question of art, her talk will explore if and how the construction of an artwork that traverses the complex relations of the cognitive and the lived, and world and word, can produce new locations, futures or even worlds in itself.

Amanda Beech is an artist and writer living in Los Angeles. Using a range of compelling rhetorical and often dogmatic narratives and texts, Beech’s work poses questions and propositions for what a realist art can be in today’s culture; that is, a work that can articulate a comprehension of reality without the terminal mirror of a human identity that is used to picture it.

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