The HfG Open Resource Center (ORC) is, as a central facility, developing and establishing a sustainable digital infrastructure for the university. In addition, the ORC works on establishing a culture of autonomous documenting and archiving at the HfG.

Central to this digital infrastructure is the media platform Madek, which empowers all university members to digitally organize, share, and publish their projects.
The free open source software Madek is a media platform, institutional repository and (long-term) archive at the same time. Due to its focus on multimedia and its bottom-up structure, it is particularly well suited for art, design and music schools and universities as well as cultural institutions with a focus on project-oriented working. It can be used for documenting, archiving, collaborating, presenting and sharing (project) data. Since it complies with the FAIR data principles, it can be used for research data management.
The ORC is actively developing the software Madek in cooperation with the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). At the HfG Karlsruhe, the ORC is working on embedding Madek into the university's infrastructure and establishing it as a digital memory of the HfG community.
Information on Madek:
Madek Production and Archive Platform
HfG Manual
General Information
Documentation ZHdK
Madek and FAIR
Documentation by the Madek developers
The ORC is the HfG's competence center for digitization and documentation. It creates resources and tools and makes them freely accessible to the HfG community. Knowledge and discourse about documentation and archiving are made accessible through a program of events.
In the framework of the network AuDA ("Austausch Digital Assets") initiated by the ORC, knowledge is exchanged with other art universities and cultural institutions.
Resources on digitization, workflows, ORC infrastructure at the HfG:
General resources on media platforms, standards for metadata, archiving, etc.:
Hands-on support for HfG digital infrastructure:
Project Leader:
Dr. Barbara Kuon ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)noukb
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Katarina Schorb ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)brohcsk
Digital Archivists:
Víctor Fancelli Capdevila ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)alivedpacfv
Hannes Herold ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)dlorehh
Archival Curators:
Mustafa Emin Büyükcoskun ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)nuksocbem
Zulfikar Filandra ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)ardnalifz
The ORC is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.