Sink (Part II) departs from a primal gesture, in which humans join both hands to collect water like an improvised water tank. It is presented as the first human gesture of accumulation, which triggered the process of imitation of Nature and extension (and loss) of gesture, through the purpose of infinite accumulation.
The industrial sink-hole is presented with double meaning: on the one hand, as an attempt at imitation of the primal gesture, an engineering of the human body, and also as an archetype of the well or shaft, which is inseparably linked to the idea of the abyss. This is the journey that is proposed in this installation: from the primal gesture of survival and accumulation, through the process of its techno/industrial extension, and the consequent loss as an autonomous human gesture.

Two HD video projections.- Color - Sound- Loop - 1’40’’ - Vertical Projections

Project within the framework of the “Data-Driven Narratives” seminar by Professor Michael Bielcky