Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)

Finding Traces And Placing Connections (© Sören Göbel)
In his graduation project Sören Göbel celebrates the powers, versatility and beauty of a mostly discreet, but ever so important material in any area of human life and interaction. „finding traces and placing connections“ is a design for a multisensual immersive expe rience and a personal love letter to copper (CU) .
Through making connections between the copper surfaces with copper plated stones, visitors can manipulate the audio and lighting of the space. Forming not only a connec tion between the objects but also an interaction between the visitors. All audio is gene rated from recordings of copper objects. Each connection adds a different track to the soundscape.
Prof. Wieki Somers & Chris Kabel