Diploma by Mascha Dilger

Title: 7QM Innen(an)sichten

Consulting academic staff: Constanze Fischbeck, Susanne Kriemann

Theory: Lioudmila Voropai, Barbara Kuon

Participants: Badaue, Hannah Cooke, Jeremias Beckford, Alexia Metge, Leonie Mühlen, Luise Peschko, Tibor Pilz, Corinne Riepert, Mischa Schneider, Max Schäffer, Alexander Thelen, EXIT-EnterLife e.V.

Project description:
What happens when individuals live in narrow, confined spaces with hardly any personal but standardized, firmly anchored, textile-less furnishings, in which they are exposed to permanent surveillance and control as well as strictly regulated daily routines? Mascha Dilger investigates the parameters of sanctioning spaces: visits to various prisons and interviews with former inmates are processed in the spatial installation "7qm - Innen(an)sichten". Realities of a place hidden from society are revealed. The work illuminates how attempts of mental escape and self-determination can emerge from the grid-like everyday life of a total institution. Site-specific and subcultural manifestations are considered, which are to be understood as survival strategies.

Time period: 11.7. - 12.7.2023

Location: Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

Photos: Mischa Schneider

Graphic Design: Laurine Haller, Paulina Mimberg