aspect-ratio 10x9 Matthias Bruhn

Matthias Bruhn (© Michelle Mantel)

Aesthetics of The Flag

Friday, July 5, 2024, 4:30 - 5:30 pm

at the ZKM, Atrium 8+9, meeting point: information desk

free entry

Matthias Bruhn is an art historian and Professor of Art History and Media Theory at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). On the occasion of the »BLACK FLAGS« exhibition, he will talk about flags and banners as independent media of communication from the perspective of visual studies: flags and banners mark and occupy spaces, they give signs, and they make natural forces visible. Furthermore over the course of cultural and art history, flags and banners have developed their own theory of color and morphology. The interview will address these aspects and link them to the question of how the exhibition space can make it possible to reexperience the particular situations and moments in which the works on display were created or captured visually.

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