aspect-ratio 10x9 View of the first BookBauFestival in the atriums of the HfG

View of the first BookBauFestival in the atriums of the HfG, Photo: Jihje Jang (© HfG Karlsruhe)

2. Art book fair at HfG Karlsruhe

The BookBauFestival presents artists' books and print media. International and national publishers and students take part. With workshops, lectures and exhibitions, the festival promotes creative dialog between design, typography and art and offers space for new ideas and perspectives.

Here, students from our and other universities and protagonists from the artists' book scene will come together and present their various artists' books to visitors.

Together with the students, we are planning this art book fair in the context of economics, sustainable production and the exhibition / collection of the respective artists' books. Workshops and lectures are planned for three days and are open to all.

We invite you to shape the BookBauFestival with us.

From HfG Bookboi, Munitionsfabrik and Umbau Magazin will participate t as well as the ZKN Library.

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