aspect-ratio 10x9

© Jana Trampert, Dshamilja Tükerek, Lucia Böhm, Schrift: Gruppo Due

Filmscreenings and Tours

On the Sunday of the four-day tour, you can expect a varied program to discover and participate in. Come along and experience art and design at the HfG!

Sunday, 21.07.

2 - 3:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Rokas Wille, Quirin Thalhammer, Alexander Thelen & Isabel Winter, Niklas Weisenbach

3 - 4:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Jakob Suranovsky, Knut Kuhles, Isabel Konrad, Zulfikar Filandra

guided tours through the exhibition: 12 pm, 1 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, meeting point in front of the construction trailer by the palm tree

5 pm End of the 2024 Rundgang

**The events are open to the public, admission is free!

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