Vera Gärtner, Weibliche Straßennamen in Karlsruhe, faltbarer Stadtplan mit Farbe beschichtet (© Vera Gärtner)
The Cultural Scholarship of the City of Karlsruhe was awarded to the two HfG alumnae Vera Valentina Gärtner and Leonie Mühlen in 2022. The scholarship is intended for graduates of Karlsruhe's three art colleges, who can use it to live and work in Karlsruhe for a year and present their work at the Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe (SGK).
Opening on Friday, 20/09/2024, 7 pm:
Vera Gärtner: City as Palimpsest
Vera Valentina Gärtner's artistic questions revolve around social issues, in particular queer and intersectional-feminist topics. In her interdisciplinary approach, she focuses on the overlooked. This is particularly evident in her preoccupation with the characteristics of secluded places and refuges in urban space. In doing so, she ventures into curatorial experiments, designs anti-hierarchical conference architectures or embarks on activist walks.
Leonie Mühlen: My eyes are two doves - Est-ce que tu me vois?
In her research, Leonie Mühlen moves along the border between urban and natural spaces. Her installative works are composed of ongoing observations, collected narratives and performative interventions. Her works usually give space to fragile things that often deal with basic needs: living spaces, dwellings or displacement, food, community and memory.
The Karlsruhe Cultural Scholarship is awarded every two years alternately to graduates of the three artistic universities in Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe University of Music, the State Academy of Fine Arts and the State Academy of Art and Design. The scholarship holders are selected on the recommendation of the respective institution. The aim of this financial support - according to the idea of the City of Karlsruhe and the municipal council - is to offer artists and musicians a job opportunity in Karlsruhe after their training, to link the city and universities more closely and to further strengthen Karlsruhe's reputation as a city of the arts. The scholarship is endowed with 20,000 euros.
HfG article on the award ceremony 2022: https://hfg-karlsruhe.de/archiv/karlsruher-kulturstipendium-fuer-hfg-alumnae-vera-valentina-gaertner-und-leonie-muehlen/

Leonie Mühlen, Filmstill aus der Performancearbeit „Taubenfrau“, 2023–2024 (© Leonie Mühlen)