Key visual gradshow 2025 (© Bob Reinert, Joanne Dietz, Sören Göbel , Amelie Poxleitner, Christine Fischer.)
From 13 to 23 February 2025, Karlsruhe city centre will become the stage for the ‘25 Grad’ graduate exhibition at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Around 30 graduates will present their final theses and make their work accessible to the general public. The title ‘25 degrees’ symbolises the time of transition from graduation to professionalism.
The exhibition will open on 13 February at 5 p.m. on the ground floor of the Postgalerie Karlsruhe with a vernissage that will encourage encounters between the graduates and the public and form the starting point for a varied programme. In addition to a former shop space in the Postgalerie Karlsruhe, the exhibition space of the Badischer Kunstverein at Waldstraße 3 in the centre of Karlsruhe will also be used. The exhibition venues will be activated by a joint walk on the same evening of February 13, 2025. A varied programme of screenings, colloquia and workshops throughout the duration of the exhibition invites visitors to enter into an exchange with the artists and designers. The finissage on 23 February marks the end of the exhibition.
The exhibition once again demonstrates the interdisciplinary quality that characterises studies at the HfG Karlsruhe. The works on display reflect the close co-operation between and within different disciplines and illustrate the extent to which students not only learn from their teachers, but also from each other and inspire each other. These influences, which transcend disciplinary boundaries, are presented in an accompanying magazine that provides an in-depth insight into the exhibitors' working methods and processes.
Further information on the locations, exhibitors and programme items will follow here and on the Graduate Show's Instagram page at @grad.hfg.
Opening, February 13,2025 at 5pm at Postgalerie Karlsruhe / Kaiserstraße 217 / 76133 Karlsruhe
Weiterer Ausstellungsort: Badischer Kunstverein e.V. / Waldstr. 3. / 76133 Karlsruhe
Thursday, February 13, 2025
• 5 pm OPENING on the ground floor of Postgalerie Karlsruhe • 5:30 pm Opening speeches and introduction with exhibitors • 7:45 pm Walk to second exhibition venture Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe • 8 pm WELCOME and introduction of exhibition at Badischer Kunstverein, Bar / Party
Sunday, February 23, 2025
• Starting 7pm at Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, incl. Bar
Opening Hours of the Exhibition
• Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe, Waldstraße 3, 76133 Karlsruhe: Tuesday - Friday 11 am –7pm, Saturday 11 am - 7 pm & Sunday February 16th from 11 am– 5pm , February 23rd from 11 am– 9:30 pm
• Postgalerie Karlsruhe, Kaiserstraße 217, 76133 Karlsruhe: Tuesday 11 am–3 pm, Wednesday & Thursday 3-7pm, Friday to Sunday from 11 am - 7pm
textile writing group
Workshop with Corinne Riepert Friday, February 14, 2025, 17:00–19:00 Uhr Location: Badischer Kunstverein Max. 10 Teilnehmer:innen, Anmeldung: ed.bew(ta)gfh.darg In the workshop, we will read various texts about textiles, discuss them and write an and write an associative and collective text in a chat group, which we will then read. The workshop will be held in German and English. Please bring pens and paper.
Repair-Workshop with Dario Schmid Friday, February 14, 2025, 11am –4 pm Ort: Postgalerie | OPEN TO EVERYONE Repairing opens up new approaches to the environment. A repair workshop based on the diploma thesis PERMANENT BROKENNESS, will take place on February 15, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in the Postgalerie. After a lecture by Dario Schmid on the cultural practice of repairing, we will repair defective devices together. Everyone is invited to bring their own devices or help with repairs.
Graduierte im Gespräch
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 7-8:30 pm Location: Badischer Kunstverein Kolloquium | OPEN TO EVERYONE In the colloquia, graduates from the various disciplines at the HfG discuss their final projects. In open discussions, they provide an insight into the creation and development of their projects. The audience is invited to ask questions and join in the discussion.
Cooking Care
Scenic Installation by Paulina Mimberg Friday, February 21st 2025, 10:30am–12:30 pm with an introduction at 10:30 Location: Postgalerie |OPEN TO EVERYONE The Cooking Care installation shows a plant-dyed patchwork tablecloth that has absorbed the stories of Valeria, Anna, Susanne, Heike and Anne and their unpaid care work. It makes invisible work visible, celebrates time invested and provides a stage for networking and empowerment.
Graduierte im Gespräch
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 7-8:30 pm Location: Badischer Kunstverein Kolloquium | OPEN TO EVERYONE In the colloquia, graduates from the various disciplines at the HfG discuss their final projects. In open discussions, they provide an insight into the creation and development of their projects. The audience is invited to ask questions and join in the discussion.
Disparate Precedents of Display
Performance by Teresa Häußler with Anna K. Seidel Saturday, February 22, 2025, 3pm with introdcution at 3:45, incl. discussion afterwards Location: Entry Badischer Kunstverein Max. 30 participants, please register: ed.bew(ta)gfh.darg The project examines exhibition design as a political practice. Performer Anna K. Seidel guides visitors through two exhibitions by architect Egon Eiermann: the Nazi propaganda show “Give me four years' time” (1937) and the German pavilion at Expo '58 in Brussels. How are design and politics connected?
Entry is always free