aspect-ratio 10x9 Application until November 3, 2024

Application until November 3, 2024 (© HfG Karlsruhe)

The following artistic professorship is to be filled at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) in the design department as of October 1, 2025:

Professorship of Material Based Product Design

Salary Group W3 (100%)

The appointment of the professorship refers to a professorship for life.

For the Professorship in Material Based Product Design, the appointed individual is expected to engage in a comprehensive exploration of the key parameters of product design, such as function, construction, configuration, as well as engaging with materials and modes of production that are innovative and sustainable. The candidate should thoughtfully incorporate socially relevant aspects of design in an artistic and critical manner, and think through contemporary product design in relation to notions of use and materiality, as well as future and historical technologies. The ideal candidate will have a wide range of skills and interests, with a particular focus on experimental materials research as well as on requirements of sustainable production conditions. At HfG, we expect the design and production practices taught to be characterized by the consistent use of digital media and program-controlled tools.


  • Represent the field of product design in its full artistic and creative scope.
  • Teach within the Product Design degree program, including instruction in the technical foundations.
  • Supervise students across all artistic and theoretical subjects at the HfG.
  • Collaborate on interdisciplinary and experimental projects within and beyond HfG.
  • Initiate and follow collaborations with manufacturers and industry.
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of the HfG curriculum and the expansion of operational structures, both in terms of personnel and technology.
  • Initiate and conceptualize externally funded projects.

Furthermore, the post holder is expected to work collaboratively and in an interdisciplinary manner with other departments of the university as well as with the neighboring Center for Art and Media (ZKM) Karlsruhe. Further official duties are regulated in § 46 of the Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg. Participation in University's self-administration is one of the official duties.

Recruitment requirements:

  • Completion of a relevant university degree and/or outstanding subject-related achievements within the field of Product Design.
  • Relevant publications and projects in the field
  • With the help of an internationally recognized body of work and professional experience, the candidate must be able to demonstrate a special aptitude for guiding artistic-creative, experimental work and the ability to translate this research into relevant solutions within the field of product design.
  • Knowledge of and experience with digital media and program-driven manufacturing tools.

  • A broad professional and international network.

  • Pedagogical aptitude and extensive successful teaching experience at art or design colleges.
  • Knowledge of German and English at university level.

General information:

The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design is committed to diversity, equality and justice in opportunities. It would like to maintain the proportion of women among its professors. The HfG supports the compatibility of career and family. Applicants with severe disabilities will be given preferential consideration if equally qualified.

Please submit your application with CV and documents that clearly show your artistic/academic background via the Online-Bewerbungsformular by November 3, 2024.

For information on the job advertisement, please contact the Rectorate at +49 (0)721 8203-2297 or e-mail:

Information on the collection of personal data from the person concerned in accordance with Article 13 DSGVO can be found on our homepage under the heading ‘Job offers’.

Please note that the German text version of the job advertisement is the legally binding version.

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