aspect-ratio 10x9


"DAS NEUE STÜCK" Seminar warmly invites you to join our play reading!
Fischer Fritz - by Raphaela Bardutzky
04.02. - 19:30pm, Big Studio HfG

Fisherman Fritz can no longer fish fresh fish. Not just since his stroke. His son Franz has not become a fisherman, but a hairdresser in the big city. To take care of his father, he has hired a Polish caregiver. The author Raphaela Bardutzky calls her play a spoken theater, which was awarded a prize at the Autor*innentheatertage 2022 at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. With linguistic virtuosity, tragic-comic and playfully light, she tells of home and strangeness, longing and loneliness, city and country, age and youth. Afterwards, there will be a talk with the author Raphaela Bardutzky.

Tickets are available on the website of the Staatstheater (from 02.02. they are free for HfG students via the Studi-Flaterate of the AStA).

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