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Photo: Lisa Bergmann (© Lisa Bergmann)

The jury, made up of representatives of the Bruchsal Schloss Lions Club, the Bruchsal Art Association and a representative of the Bruchsal Konrad Adenauer School, has awarded the Giovanni Francesco Marchini Prize 2024 to HfG graduate Johanna Schäfer.

Every two years, the Lions Club Bruchsal Schloss donates the Giovanni Francesco Marchini Prize, which is awarded to outstanding graduates of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. The prize consists of a work scholarship and a solo exhibition at the art association "Das Damianstor" Bruchsal.

Uniquely, the prize is linked to an art project with pupils from a Bruchsal school. The art project is planned by the scholarship holders and realized together with the children and young people, thus linking artistic positions with social relevance.

As a designer, Johanna Schäfer prefers to work site- and context-specifically and collaboratively. The historical backdrop of the "Damianstor" offers a perfect framework in which Johanna Schäfer would like to artistically and speculatively explore the movements and rhythms of non-human inhabitants - especially birds. She is particularly interested in architectural designs for people and birds, as well as playing with interior and exterior spaces, the garden as an extension of the palace rooms. The scenographic extension of her final thesis "Building, Parliament, Clamour, Storytelling," which

Als Gestalterin arbeitet Johanna Schäfer bevorzugt orts-und kontextspezifisch und kollaborativ. Die historische Kulisse des „Damianstor“ bietet eine perfekte Rahmenstruktur in der sich Johanna Schäfer künstlerisch und spekulativ-forschend mit den Bewegungen und Rhytmen von nicht menschlichen Bewohnern – insbesondere Vögeln – beschäftigen möchte. Entwürfe von Architekturen für Menschen und Vögel, ebenso wie das Spiel mit Innen- und Außenräumen, dem Garten als Erweiterung der Schlossräume, interessieren sie dabei besonders. Die szenografische Erweiterung ihre Abschlussarbeit “Building, Parliament, Clamour, Storytelling”, which works specifically with the architecture of Bruchsal Castle, the Kunstverein and the surrounding gardens, will take center stage. In the form of temporary architectural interventions, object-turned-text fragments or souvenirs, it operates at the interface of science and speculation, artwork, reproduction and imitation.

The award ceremony will take place on April 14, 2024 Further information can be found here:

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