aspect-ratio 10x9 Breaded Box

Breaded Box (© Oliver-Selim Boualam)

From September 1 to October 8, 2023, the Museum Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G) will present outstanding graduates from Germany's most renowned design and art academies in the fields of product and industrial design under the title "Dare to Design".

Among them this year is the diploma project "Making Something from Some Things" by Lizzy Ellbrück, a graduate of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Her project is one of a total of 260 submitted from 23 universities. All of this year's submissions are now also published on the GDG platform.

Graduates of German universities are called upon once a year to submit their work to the German Design Graduates initiative. With diverse perspectives and in a multi-stage process, this year's expert jury selected 47 positions for the exhibition at the MK&G.

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