On september 11, 22 at 5 pm there will be a guided tour about the architecture and history of Hallenbau A.
Reconstruction of the HfG 1993, Photo: Evi Künstle
Reconstruction of the HfG 1993, Photo: Evi Künstle
Reconstruction of the HfG 1994, Photo: Evi Künstle
Heinrich Klotz at the opening of the HfG, Photo: Evi Künstle
"Munitions Factory - Exhibition on the history of a monstrous space" from
02 June to 11 September 2022 at the HfG Karlsruhe.
On the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition "Munitions Factory - Exhibition on the History of an Immense Space", art historian Chris Gerbing will give a guided tour on the architecture and history of Hallenbau A on 11.09.22 at 5 pm.
Prof. Dr. Chris Gerbing is an art historian and honorary professor of cultural studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In numerous publications she dealt with the architecture of the 20th century and especially with industrial architecture. With her guided tour, Gerbing will describe the history and especially the design and function of Hallenbau A and show a part of the former site.
Designed by industrial architect Philipp Jakob Manz, the building was begun in 1915 and completed in 1918. This is the only one that has been preserved on the site of the former arms and munitions factory and is now a listed building.
From June 02 to September 11, 2022, the exhibition "Munitions Factory -.
Exhibition on the History of a Monstrous Space" at the HfG Karlsruhe examines the history of the once
history of what was once the "largest weapons factory in the world." It illuminates the
transformations and ruptures of this "monstrous space" and questions the
development of the site of the former weapons factory up to the present day.
The Hallenbau A - which today houses the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung
Karlsruhe (HfG), the Center for Art and Media (ZKM), and the Städtische
Gallery - was designed during and for the First World War by the "Blitz-
architect" Philipp Jakob Manz as a production hall for the Deutsche Waffen- und
Ammunition Factory in Karlsruhe. With 30,000 factory workers, this factory was
factory was as large as a small town during the Second World War. During the
Nazi era, forced laborers from all over Europe had to work here under inhuman
from all over Europe. Due to the ammunition and weapons that were produced here, the place is
the place was involved in various wars and conflicts in the world. After the
After the decline of industrial production, the vacant premises were used by
were used by Karlsruhe artists as working and presentation space from 1981 to 1989.
The creative potential recognized in these spaces subsequently led to the move in of the institutions
ZKM, HfG Karlsruhe and the Städtische Galerie.
Research materials from various archives, such as the Karlsruhe City Archive,
the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe and various picture archives trace the history of this
history of this "immense space". Artistic and documentary
The texts and images can be used free of charge in connection with this press release.
Projects by students, alumni and (former) professors of the Staatliche
Hochschule für Gestaltung represent critical confrontations with the place and its heterogeneous
and its heterogeneous and controversial history. The exhibition is being created
the 30th anniversary of the HfG Karlsruhe and will be accompanied by a publication in the series "Munster".
a publication in the series "Munitions Factory" will be published.