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Photo: Michelle Mantel

How to write about art? Evening lecture by art critic Saskia Trebing (Monopol Magazine)

It's complicated: On the one hand, the art world is producing more text than ever before. Works of art come with pages of “instructions for use” and curatorial texts often oscillate between philosophy seminar and bullshit bingo. Every major gallery has its own magazine and provides the intellectual context for its offerings. On the other hand, it has become more difficult to write about art because there are often political attitudes and identities behind exhibitions and works that cannot be “criticized” in the classical sense. In addition, critics no longer have a separate position for their views in our media public sphere, which can be both a loss and a gain for art.

Journalist and “Monopol” editor Saskia Trebing will address this topic in her lecture at the HfG on Thursday, June 27 from 3:30 pm.

On June 28, she will be offering HfG students an excursion to the exhibition “Sense of Human” by artist Sarah Lucas at the Kunsthalle Mannheim. Afterwards, the participants can write their own exhibition review, for which criteria will be worked out together beforehand.

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© Meme von @freeze_magazine aka @Cem______a

Saskia Trebing

Saskia Trebing (born 1987) is an art historian and journalist and studied at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Potsdam. She currently works as an editor at the Berlin art magazine Monopol. Her main topics include the Documenta in Kassel and the intertwining of politics and art.

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© Saskia Trebing

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