Photo: Barbara Kuon

Photo: Barbara Kuon

Photo: Barbara Kuon

Moskau Tretyakov Gallery, Photo: Lioudmila Voropai
Excursion through the historic center of Moscow: Architectural history as cultural and social history (with guide)
• Constructivist architecture of the 1920s and 1930s (Melnikov house, Mosselprom house, amongst others)
• Socialist Classicism (Hotel Ukraina, foreign office, amongst others)
• Red Square and Alexander Garden
• Current developments in city planning, Zaryadye Park amongst others www.zaryadyepark.ru
Russian political history / the USSR as cultural and architectural history
• Lenin’s Mausoleum
• St. Basil’s Cathedral
• Gorky Park (“hipster paradise” Garage Museum of Contemporary Art garagemca.org, Miki Feller: Presentation on Maxim Gorki
Moscow Metro
• Underground trip to the historically most significant stations of the Moscow Metro, Diane Hillebrand: Presentation on the construction of the Moscow Metro
Exhibition visits
• Schabolovka area: avantgarde museum and Schukhov Radio Tower
• Exhibition “Soviet Antiquity” www.avantgarde.center/museum
• MMOMA – Moscow Museum of Modern Art www.mmoma.ru
Evening program
• Maniozis, opera/performance (based on Spinoza’s “ethics”) at Electrotheatre Stanislavsky electrotheatre.com/repertoire/spectacle
Bulgakov’s Moscow: Patriarch Ponds
• Bruno Jacoby: presentation on Heart of a Dog by Michail Bulgakow
• Rebecca Hirneise: presentation on The Master and Margarita by Michail Bulgakow
The State Tretyakov Gallery and New Tretyakov Gallery
• Tilman Rödiger: presentation on Reverse Perspective by Pavel Florenskij
Tretyakov Gallery:
• Icon paintings
• Russian Realism in painting
New Tretyakov Gallery:
• Russian/Soviet art of the 20th century
• Russian avant-garde of the 1910s and 1920s
• Exhibition “Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. Not Everyone Will Be Taken Into the Future” from Sept. 7, 2018 www.tretyakovgallery.ru
Exhibition park VDNH, exhibition on the achievements of the national economy vdnh.ru
• Theresa Rößler: presentation on Olga Rosanowa and the Costakis collection
• Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre, exhibition “Space Pavillon: Between Space and Earth” vdnh.ru/en/events/exhibitions/tsentr-kosmonavtika-i-aviatsiya
• Pavilion “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”
LOMONOSSOW University, Sparrow Hill observation deck
Tutors: Dr. Barbara Kuon, Dr. Lioudmila Voropai