aspect-ratio 10x9 At the opening of the semester, the diploma and master's degree certificates were presented to those present in person.

At the opening of the semester, the diploma and master's degree certificates were presented to those present in person., Foto: Eisenhart Kaymeier


We are proud of the impressive achievements and creative projects that have emerged during the course of their studies. Personal development, exciting jobs and new challenges now lie ahead and we look forward to seeing how our graduates take their visions into the world.

We were able to congratulate all graduates personally during the semester opening ceremony:

Guillermo Wilkins (Magister Kuphi), Gloria Müller (Diplom ADSZ), Cara Kollmann (Diplom KD), Moritz Simon (Diplom KD), Juliane Schmi (Diplom KD), Huiyeon Yun (Diplom KD), Sven Krahl (Diplom KD), Florian Knöbl (Diplom PD), Sören Göbel (Diplom PD), Rui Zhang (Diplom MK), Finn Baygan (Diplom MK)

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