© Kino im Blauen Salon
Saturday, 22. February 2025 , 1-5 pm
Blauer Salon, Room 012, HfG Karlsruhe
Around a decade ago, digitization abruptly and completely changed the cinema landscape. Within a short space of time, films were no longer delivered to cinemas as 35mm film reels, but almost exclusively in the then new standard format DCP (Digital Cinema Package): initially on hard disks and now mainly as downloads via specialized platforms.
Although digital projection offers many advantages, the cinema in the Blauer Salon attaches great importance to continuing the tradition of analog film projection. If a 35mm print of a film is available, it is preferred to the digital format whenever feasible and sensible.
The fact that our audience appreciates the love of analog has not escaped us. The screening room, the secret place where the light comes from, has often been opened on request. But from now on, the doors are open here, come along to the workshop and lend a hand when it's ROLL IT!!!
The workshop offers the following content:
-a detailed look behind the scenes of analog film screenings in the Blue Salon
-introduction to the history of film projection and the identification of different film materials, image and sound formats
-the evaluation of the film material and preparation for the screening
-Hand-loading and screening of analog film material, also in cross-fade mode with two projectors
Registrations at Philip Lawall ed.nolasneualbmionik(ta)ofni
The Kino im Blauen Salon, the student cinema of the Hochschule für Gestaltung, has been run by students since 2017 and has been a registered association since the beginning of 2024: https://kinoimblauensalon.de/de/news.
More about the film series in winter semester 2024/25:
Welcome to our new series CINEMA OF COLORS, in which we are dedicating ten films to the fascinating phenomenon of color in cinema: how does it come about, how does it work, what does it tell...? After all, apart from time, there is probably nothing more essential than light and color, which feed our lives and our projectors. While black and white dominated early cinema for decades, the introduction of Technicolor in the 1930s ushered in a new era for our viewing habits: Color sticks deep in our memory as an emotion. Who could forget the girl's coat in SCHINDLER'S LIST? Why can you immediately recognize a Wes Anderson film by its look, and what color is the MATRIX again?
Our program spans the entire winter semester like a rainbow and shows that the Blauer Salon is not resting on its monochrome reputation. Come along and immerse yourself in a colorful palette of classics and rarities from the international cinema landscape: 10 films of various genres from 10 different production countries and 10 decades will chase the grey season away from your eyes and hearts!
03.03.25 The Love Witch (2016)