HfG-Student Lukas Dechau from the Product Design department hat mit seiner Vordiplomsarbeit „Rock Solid - limitless washed concrete 3D printing“ auf der Erfurter Messe "Rapid.Tech 3D" die 3D Pioneers Challenge 2024 in der Kategorie „Studierende“ gewonnen!
Supervisors: Chris Kabel together with Stefan Legner
Focus 2024: Collaborative Mindset
Cutting-edge processes, materials and procedures are creating ground-breaking applications in Additive Manufacturing and thus offering chances for the economy, industry and sustainability, for a responsible production. Implementation in the established manufacturing industry however demands a "collaborative mindset" - the mutual, open attitude of working cooperatively and courageously towards common goals. The 3D Pioneers Challenge seeks and supports the pioneers pursuing these ground-breaking approaches.
Rock Solid shows a new 3D printing process utilizing "exposed aggregate concrete", which does not require support structures or excess materials.
The Rock Solid stool is part of a collection of innovative objects made of "exposed aggregate concrete", which were 3D printed using a new additive method. The highly time-efficient manufacturing process requires neither support structures nor subsequent washing or reworking of the material. This allows completely new shapes to be explored within the material, such as curved hollow bodies, such as pipes, or complex free forms. The project originated as a prediploma at the HfG Karlsruhe, where more than 20 usable objects were created in April 2023, exploring various substrates and binders. The process development took place entirely within the university, using the university´s own CNC milling machine, to which the process could be easily adapted. Future plans for the project include further software development, the implementation of sustainable materials and testing the process in an architectural context by producing moldless modular construction components.
Jurystatement: „A holistic preliminary diploma with great dedication and attention to detail, focusing on the individually developed process. All of this using the architectural mainstream material from the 1960s/1970s. Even in 2024, 3D printing makes ‚precast concrete’ sexy again.“
Lukas Dechau gewann mit demselben Projekt auch den 1. Platz im Wettbewerb „Concrete Design Competition“.
Jury statement there: “The design deals intensively with 3D printing and explores the production method in object furniture. The focus is on concrete. The inclusion of recycled materials shows an outstanding work that is open to experimentation. Both aesthetics and quality are emphasized in the exposed aggregate concrete look. The technically innovative and material-saving aspect underlines the modernity of the concept. An outstanding contemporary implementation of a very strong design idea.”