The Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) Karlsruhe offers a unique space for dedicated learning, research and experimental development. In order to learn how to deal with a complex and diverse reality, study at the HfG Karlsruhe is consistently organized across disciplines: anyone who studies theory gains at the same time skills in creative and artistic practice. Conversely, anyone who studies art or design enters into theoretical considerations. This combination of the degree programs Communication Design, Product Design, Media Art, Exhibition Design and Scenography, Art Science and Media Philosophy succeeds because it takes place in the greatest possible freedom: Our students have the opportunity to develop according to their own interests and strengths, to determine their individual focus and at the end to develop a personal profile. As new technologies evolve over the next few decades, independent minds are more in demand than ever. Against this background, we have also decided to keep the Diploma and the Master's degree. A huge variety of international partnerships with renowned universities enable students to put what they have learned into an international context. At HfG there are about 20 students per professor. In small groups and through project-oriented work, each individual receives optimal support. Additionally an excellent technical equipment and diverse workshops offer the best possible training. Study, teaching and research at the HfG are in close cooperation with one of the best and most innovative exhibition machines in the world - the ZKM | Center for Art and Media. The HfG Karlsruhe ties directly to the ideas and concepts of the Bauhaus tradition - a tradition in which the design of the future is seen as a central social task. Prerequisites for admission to the program are the general or subject-related higher education entrance qualification as well as the successful completion of the admission procedure including the interview for determining the professional or artistic aptitude. The beginning of studies takes place in the winter semester.

Eingang HfG Karlsruhe (© HfG Karlsruhe)
The Student Department Office of the HfG Karlsruhe advises on general questions of study, such as: application and admission procedure or enrollment.
Student Department Office
Kerstin Eisenmenger
T +49 (0) 721 / 8203 2369
F +49 (0) 721 / 8203 2373
Office hours:
Monday to Thursday, 9-12am
(afternoon after arrangement)
A study / portfolio consultation is carried out by representatives of the respective field of study.

Photo: Harals Völkl (© Baden-Württemberg International)
For prospective students, study counseling with a focus on the portfolio takes place in the winter semester. Interested students are requested to bring folders or work samples to the appointment.
You can find the portfolio consultation dates under News on our Homepage or here.

Photo: Evi Künstle (© HfG Karlsruhe)
Every year in November the Study Orientation Day takes place at the HfG Karlsruhe. Interested students can inform themselves on site about the special courses offered by the HfG Karlsruhe, visit guided tours of the studios and workshops in the building and ask students questions about university life. In addition, guided tours of the neighboring ZKM | Center for Art and Media are offered.
The next Study Orientation Day will in November 2025
Registration is not required.

Photo: Jana Hofmann
Our HfG taster course (Schnupperstudium) gives you an insight into the departments of Exhibition Design and Scenography, Communication Design, Product Design, Media Art as well as Art Research and Media Philosophy during a five-day workshop. As a participant, you can experience the open atmosphere at the HfG Karlsruhe, visit workshops and studios, be inspired by the range of courses on offer, become creative yourself in workshops and ask questions about the course, admission requirements and the application process.
The nest taster course will be in Summer 2025 at the HfG Karlsruhe!
Melanie Schillo
The Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe has its own booth at selected educational fairs. Prospective students can find out more about the special courses offered by the HfG Karlsruhe, ask questions about the application procedure and, of course, learn a lot about the HfG Karlsruhe and its university location.
Further dates to be announced.

HfG Stand bei der Messe Einstieg in Karlsruhe (© HfG Karlsruhe)
It is only possible to start studying at the HfG Karlsruhe in the winter semester. Only exchange students can start at the HfG in the summer semester. All information on the application procedure can be found here: Application
The following lecture periods apply for the coming semesters
Summer semester 2024 - 16.04.2024-19.07.2024
Winter semester 2024/25 - 14.10.2024 - 15.02.2025
Summer semester 2025 - 22.04.2025 - 26.07.2025
Winter semester 2025/26 - 13.10.2025 - not yet calculated