aspect-ratio 10x9 Group photo of the winners 2024

Group photo of the winners 2024 (© Hfg, Eisenhart Keimeyer)

On the opening evening of the tour, student works from various disciplines were honored and once again received funding and scholarships this year - thanks to the great support of the ZKM / HfG Sponsorship Society, the Gunther Schroff Foundation, the Heinrich Hertz Society, the Badische Beamtenbank, the Riemschneider Foundation and also private sponsors. In addition to recognizing their achievements, their funding enables students to continue their projects and initiate new ones.

The HfG Karlsruhe would like to thank all sponsors and donors and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of this year's nominees and the winners:

Gunther Schroff Prize with 5.000 €: Henriette Schwabe, Jaya Demmer - JJxH54D - Spring Collection

Prize I of the Fördergesellschaft with 4.000 €: BookBoi

Prize II of the Fördergesellschaft with 2.500 €: Rita Andrulyte - Path Tiles - Knitting Coordinates into Patterns

Prize of the BBBank with 1.500 € : Calvin Kudufia - A man in the shape of...

Prize III of the Fördergesellschaft with 1.000 €: Alicia Luna Ripp- Spellbound

Prize IV of the sponsoring company with 1.000 €: Amelie Enders - ZWISCHEN-RÄUME_N

Achim & Melanie Krämer Prize with 1.000 €: Víctor Fancelli Capdevila - Who cares? - Digital sociality, infrastructures of care and convivial technologies

Prize of the Heinrich Hertz Society with 2.000 €: Schwarm Publication Issue 2 Delusions

Prize of the Riemschneider Foundation: Kevin Beckmann, Alexander Thelen, Masterclass with Ida Bregninge under the direction of Marine Hugonnier

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