aspect-ratio 10x9

© Jana Trampert, Dshamilja Tükerek, Lucia Böhm

Exhibition and performances with guided tours of around 100 student works

Opening with award ceremonies on July 18, 2024, from 6 p.m.

From July 18 to 21, 2024, the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) will once again open its doors for its large annual exhibition with works from all subject groups and from all academic years. At the end of the summer semester, the tour through the atriums will show around 100 student works and performances from the Exhibition Design & Scenography, Communication Design, Art Studies & Media Philosophy, Media Art and Product Design courses.

The four-day tour can be experienced from the opening on 18.07.2024 with a daily changing program of guided tours, readings, performances, film screenings, workshops and events until 21 July 2024. The accompanying program and two further exhibitions in cooperation between the HfG and its hall construction neighbors ZKM and Städtische Galerie will show you the versatility of the course and the HfG's design standards at an international level.

**This year's exhibition design was developed by HfG students under the direction of visiting professor Doris Dziersk.

The tour will be ceremonially opened on July 18 at 6 p.m. with a welcome and reception with Constanze Fischbeck (HfG), Helga Huskamp (ZKM), Stefanie Patruno (Städtische Galerie), Henning Rickmann (Fördergesellschaft) and the exhibition teams of the tour.

You are cordially invited!

Come to the opening and to our varied program on the four days of the Rundgang!


Thursday, 18.07.

4 pm Soft Opening of the joint exhibition of HfG and ZKM "Antennae: Frequencies from the Archive" at ZKM

4 pm Soft opening of the Hydromedia studio exhibition developed at the HfG in the Städtische Galerie

6 pm Opening and welcome in the Lichthof

7 pm Introduction to the exhibition Hydromedia by Vanessa Bosch in the Städtische Galerie

7:30 pm Award ceremony of the Fördergesellschaft ZKM / HfG e.V., the Heinrich Hertz Society and the Riemschneider Foundation

8:30 pm Live Music: Enna Erben

9:30 pm Live Music and Bar: Koda

Friday 19.07.

10 am Hydromedia workshops in the Städtische Galerie

11 am Antennae Curator:inside Tour

12 pm Schwarmpresentation and Reading in Lichthof 3

guided tours through the exhibition: 12 pm, 1 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, meeting point in front of the construction trailer by the palm tree

At the Hfg Courtyard

11 to 2 pm Asta Screen Printing Workshop & Open Decks

11 to 4 pm Asta Bar

"Talking Sphere" in room 112 (first floor)

1 to 1:30 pm Karlsruhe's Race Against Time: Designing the Library of the Future

2 to 4 pm Antisemitic Iconographie

Kino im Blauen Salon

2 - 3:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Rokas Wille, Quirin Thalhammer, Alexander Thelen & Isabel Winter, Niklas Weisenbach

6 - 7:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Jakob Suranovsky, Knut Kuhles, Isabel Konrad, Zulfikar Filandra

9:30 pm "Ferris macht Blau"

Saturday, 20.07.

At the HfG Courtyard

11 to 4 pm Asta flea market & decks + bar (summer, sun, sunshine)

from 12 pm Tattoos (Rebecca Zink and Cela)

"Talking Sphere" in room 112 (first floor)

2 to 4 pm Silencing the Past - a conversation with Prof. Dan Hicks

"Plato's Rave" in Grüne Ecke (first floor)

12:00 Hinges on our Stillness: MuMa and Isabella Panigada

15:00 Die Spieluhrprinzessin: Luise Peschko

15:30 Fuck Art — Marry Lover — Kill Ernest: Isabella Panigada

17:30 Haeßlig: Lennart Wandsleb

guided tours through the exhibition: 12 pm, 1 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, meeting point in front of the construction trailer by the palm tree

Kino im Blauen Salon

2 - 3.30 pm film screening HfG short films: Jakob Suranovsky, Knut Kuhles, Isabel Konrad, Zulfikar Filandra

6 - 7.30 pm film screening HfG short films: Rokas Wille, Quirin Thalhammer, Alexander Thelen & Isabel Winter, Niklas Weisenbach

10 pm "HfG Party 1996"

Kinemathek in der Kaiserpassage 6

19:00 Uhr 20-rOundabOut-24: Rundgangskonzert von Studierenden, Alumni und Freunden der HfG Karlsruhe mit Live-Elektronik, Fixed Media, Audiovisuellen Projektionen und Live Performances

Sunday, 21.07.

2 - 3:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Rokas Wille, Quirin Thalhammer, Alexander Thelen & Isabel Winter, Niklas Weisenbach

3 - 4:30 pm film screening HfG short films: Jakob Suranovsky, Knut Kuhles, Isabel Konrad, Zulfikar Filandra

guided tours through the exhibition: 12 pm, 1 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, meeting point in front of the construction trailer by the palm tree

5 pm End of the 2024 Rundgang

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