aspect-ratio 10x9

© Jana Trampert, Dshamilja Tükerek, Lucia Böhm, Schrift: Gruppo Due

Brunch, Workshops, Tours through the exhibition and Filmscreening

On the Friday of the four-day Rundgang, you can expect a varied program to discover and participate in. Come along and experience art and design at the HfG!

10 am Hydromedia workshops in the Städtische Galerie

11 am Antennae Curator:inside Tour

11 am HfG Brunch (outdoors)

11 to 2 pm Asta Screen Printing Workshop & Open Decks

11 to 4 pm Asta Bar

12 to 2 pm Schwarm Cafe & Readings

all day: guided tours through the exhibition

2 pm Film screening: HfG short films

6 pm Film screening: HfG short films

9:30 pm Cinema in the Blue Salon "Ferris macht Blau"

**The program is open to the public, admission is free!

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