aspect-ratio 10x9 Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2023 in der HfG

Gulaschprogrammiernacht 2023 in der HfG, Photo: Florian Köhler (© CC BY 4.0 Florian Köhler)

22. Gulaschprogrammiernacht of Entropia e.V. in HfG and ZKM

The Goulash Programming Night (GPN) of Entropia e.V. is back with us! This year's motto is Common Code <> Different Roots. The GPN is an open, donation-financed community event with talks, workshops, a demo show, music and the traditional goulash for refreshments.

May 30 - June 02, 2024 in the atriums of the HfG


“Goulash programming night” almost sounds like a cooking marathon for sleepless computer science students. What started in 2002 in a basement room in Karlsruhe with a few technology enthusiasts has now grown into one of the Chaos Computer Club's biggest events. The topics are wide-ranging: The core is hardware and software development, as well as data security. However, data protection, network policy and many other fascinating topics are also covered: How do you cook the perfect goulash? Can you make beautiful jewelry out of hardware scrap? How does a sewing machine actually work? How do you fly spaceships?

The Goulash Programming Night is organized by Entropia e. V. of the local Chaos Computer Club in Karlsruhe. More than 1,500 visitors are expected in the atriums of the University of Arts and Design (HfG) and the lecture halls of the Center for Art and Media (ZKM). Despite the depth of content that some of the speakers will delve into, the Goulash Programming Night is not just aimed at “digital natives” or nerds. Everyone is welcome and can learn something.

Programming is at the heart of the GPN. Tables with power and network connections are set up in the “Hackcenter” in the atriums of the HfG, where guests can pitch their tents. A large number of people travel to the Goulash Programming Night with a project to spend a few focused days and even nights working on it. This does not mean that there is no exchange. On the contrary: most hackers, when they are not immersed in deepest programming meditation, are happy to provide information about their hobbyhorse. They also like to show off what they have just finished, and so the Goulash Programming Night is teeming with self-built light installations and devices.

The second main component of a Goulash Programming Night - in addition to the activities in the Hackcenter - is the workshop and lecture program. From in-depth lectures on hardware and software development to instructive (and humorous) anecdotes from everyday programming madness and debates on net politics, everything is represented. Electronics skills can be improved at soldering and tinkering workshops, lightning talks offer an open stage for spontaneous short presentations, and the demo scene is always very popular.

This year's motto is “Common Code <> Different Roots”. There is a lot of “common code” that we use every day in our digital and analog lives. Where are the roots of these codes? How do they work together? How does a tree grow from it? What about the community behind the code? What does the future of our tree look like?

The Goulash Programming Night is an open event for everyone. Prior registration is required, a donation is requested.

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