HfG Open Resource Center happily invites you to a full day program titled Archive Day: Useful Archives featuring expert discussions and artistic explorations focusing on the strategies of activating public archives and making them useful for specific communities as well as for wider audiences.

10:30-12:00 Keynote Lecture:
Invisible labour and patience: A process of unleashing the AIF's collections' agency
Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, Arab Image Foundation

13:00-15:00 Workshop:
To care about, to care for, to care with people and objects
Flaminia Fortunato, Stedelijk Museum

15:00-17:00 Screening & Lecture:
Academic Film Center Belgrade Alternative Film Archive
Milan Milosavljevic, Academic Film Center Belgrade / Alternative Film Archive

17:30-19:30 Panel Discussion:
Useful Archives
Armina Pilav, ARchipelago (archival platform)
Krasimira Butseva, The Neighbors (multimedia installation)

19:30-20:30 Sonic Performance:
Notes on a Distributed Person: On Xirsi, and other incantations for Mohamed Nur
Naima Hassan, SITAAD (platform and artistic collaboration)

Funded by the Stiftung für Innovation in Hochschullehre, the team of the HfG Open Resource Center has been building HfG’s project archive platform since October 2021. It has offered various seminars and organized several events on the subject of documenting and archiving with a focus on other digitalities. As the ORC project is gradually coming to an end, it will soon be the HfG community’s turn to take care of the project archive’s future.

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