aspect-ratio 10x9 Shifting Paradigms Symposium 2024 - Key Visual

Shifting Paradigms Symposium 2024 - Key Visual, Photo: Sophie Eckhardt, Felix Köder, Michael Rothfuß

The Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Karlsruhe and the Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe (ZKM) were conceived in the 1990s by founding director Heinrich Klotz as places for contemporary research focused on new media. With their combination of university and cultural institution, they offer excellent preconditions for the networking of artistic and scientific approaches, for which, however, a different framework is still needed in Germany.

An overarching postgraduate program is intended to bring together and utilize interdisciplinary expertise in order to explore the relationships between art, theory and design in a new way, thus building on the pioneering founding idea of the HfG and ZKM. At the same time, it is intended to respond to a larger paradigm shift that seems to be taking place in art and culture as well as in the scientific field and which is expressed on the one hand in crises of legitimization and on the other in new and creative forms of research and production of knowledge. The HfG Karlsruhe is taking this diagnosis as an opportunity to redesign hybrid formats of research and also to question the function of academic doctorates.

To present and discuss these programmatic considerations, the HfG is organizing a first symposium with international guests in cooperation with the ZKM Karlsruhe on 5 and 6 December 2024, which aims to design spaces and ideas for a transforming research practice.

With Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Matthias Bruhn, Filipa César, Constanze Fischbeck, Alistair Hudson, Susanne Kriemann, Armin Linke, Tina Lorenz, Monica Narula, Simon Sheikh, Joy Mariama Smith, Nina Zschocke and others.

Information on participation and registration

Participation in the symposium is only possible with prior registration. Places are limited

Therefore, please register for the symposium by Friday, November 15, 2024 via the following email address: shiftingparadigms(at)

Please add the subject Registration Symposium Shifting Paradigms 2024 to your email and registration and write us your

  • full first and last name
  • If applicable, your function/institution
  • E-mail address where we can reach you

Thank you, we look forward to seeing you!

Your HfG Karlsruhe contact persons for the symposium are: Désirée Düdder-Lechner, Simone Heinrich, Ana Volkland

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