aspect-ratio 10x9 Kino im Blauen Salon: Impressionen des Open Air Kino Festivals Sommer 2024

Kino im Blauen Salon: Impressionen des Open Air Kino Festivals Sommer 2024, Photo: Matylda Eaton

Cinema in the Blue Salon: Cinema Poetico

What does cinema have to do with poetry? Find out in our new series Cinema Poetico, we invite you to multiple narratives, changing perspectives, imaginary solutions and visual detours. In addition to our film series of poetry, there will be workshops on analogue film projection, midnight movies, cult sneak, a silent film concert, short film programmes and of course, as every summer, the open-air cinema in front of the HfG!

11.4. Solaris (1972) + La jetée (1962)
21.4. The Night of The Hunter (1955)
05.5. News from Home (1976)
19.5. Tokyo Monogatari (1953)
23.5. 12 Angry Men (1957)
24.5. Touki Bouki (1973)
25.5. Orlando (1992)
29.5. Die allseits reduzierte Persönlichkeit - Redupers (1978)
30.5. Kult Sneak
31.5. Der Letzte Mann (1924): Stummfilm mit Livebegleitung
01.6. Pippi außer Rand und Band (1970)
04.6. The Archiveology of Cinema (In Anwesenheit des Regisseurs)
13.6. Audition (1999)
27.6. Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland (2001)

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Preview Programm JULY - SEPTEMBER:
05.7. 35mm Workshop
07.7. L'Eclisse (1962)
18.7. Die Simpsons – Der Film (2007)
21.7. Sicilia! (1999) + A propos de Nice (1930)
02.8. 35mm Workshop

About the cinema: The Blauer Salon is the HfG Karlsruhe's own cinema. The cinema was set up in 2009 on the initiative of Thomas Heise, then Professor of Film at the HfG. Since 2017, the cinema has been gradually upgraded as part of the university cinema project. A motorised curtain and a Kasch system were installed, the screen was changed to a room-filling CS format and the projection and audio technology was improved. The installation of analogue cinema projectors was important in order to be able to show archive prints in 35mm and 16mm format.

The cinema has been run by students since 2017 and has been a registered association since the beginning of 2024.

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