In 2016 HfG and ZKM initiated the joint international research and development program “Archivists in Residence” (© Bruno Jacoby, Johanna Schäfer, HfG Karlsruhe)
Founded in 1997 by Heinrich Klotz, ZKM | Center for Art and Media is a world-unique cultural institution devoted to media arts, reacting to the rapid development of information technologies. With the Museum of Contemporary Art, Media Museum, Institute for Visual Media, Institute for Music and Acoustics, and Institute for Media, Education and Economics, ZKM integrates artistic production and research with exhibition, communication and documentation. In cooperation with the University of Arts and Design, ZKM confronts theory and praxis with new media, tests their potential with own developments, presents possible examples of use, and deals critically with the structure of information society.
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) merged Karlsruhe Research Center and Karlsruhe University in 2009. In this way, an institution was created that is not only a state university with tasks in teaching and research, but at the same time a major research center of the Helmholz Association with program-based provident research on behalf of the state. Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design cooperates with KIT within their three strategic fields of research, teaching and innovation.
Karlsruhe University of Music is an artistic-scientific institution that prepares students particularly for artistic as well as music-pedagogical professions and supports young, creative talents. Their main focus lies on the fields of contemporary music, music theater and multi-medial music journalism, in addition to traditional vocational training. The University of Music cooperates with the University of Arts and Design with respect to research in the media-sciences.
Founded in 1386, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg is the oldest university in Germany and a state university of Baden-Württemberg. With its rich tradition as a research university on an international level, the extensive increase and spread of knowledge on humanity and the world through teaching and research is vital. The University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe cooperates with the University of Heidelberg in the art history and philosophy programs.
The Academy of Fine Arts (AdBK) in Nuremberg, founded in 1662 as the first art academy in a German-speaking country, is a creative laboratory with an open research mission. The fine and applied arts form the central fields of study. The university seeks to support all forms and manifestations of contemporary artistic practice, and to understand these in their respective social and historical-critical context. The cooperation between the University of Arts and Design and AdBK promotes study visits to both respective universities.
Merging across the borders of France, Germany and Switzerland, local universities, trade fair organizers, industry, chambers and associations operate under the title, Design am Oberrhein/Design Rhin Supérieur. Through cooperation, joint performances and a constant exchange amongst each other, the region is known as an innovative location for design with great economic potential. Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) is a solid partner of the EU project in their field of product design.
Housed in a building designed by architect Helmut Bätzner at Ettlinger Tor, The Badische Staatstheater, can boast 300 years of tradition. Not only do the Musiktheater, Ballett and Schauspiel as well as the Studiobühne Insel belong to the theater, but also the Badische Staatskapelle Karlsruhe (state orchestra) and the Badische Staatsopernchor (state opera chorus). In cooperation with exhibition design and scenography at HfG Karlsruhe, there have always been top-class artists as guests at the university, and students have had the chance to collaborate in countless interventions.
The Center for Applied Cultural Sciences and General Studies (ZAK) is a science centre at KIT, merged in 2002 from the combination of the Interfacultory Institute for Applied Cultural Science (IAK) and Studium Generale. The task at ZAK is to provide excellent additional qualifications, support acquisition of trans-disciplinary skills and to improve intercultural communication skills for students of all faculties. Through the cooperation, the vast opportunities for additional qualifications at ZAK are also open to students of HfG.