In order to participate in the Media Art seminars at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe (HfG) as a supplementary subject, please note the following:
- Before semester start fill in the registration form, specify all desired seminars and attach a current KIT student certificate.
- All seminars at the HfG can be found in the university calendar (please only select “Media Art” courses).
- After a successful admission, an “auditor pass” will be handed out. Participation in the seminars at the HfG can only take place with a valid admission.
Please submit your application per e-mail (scanned with signature) at .ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)tdreweis.enomis Inquiries by e-mail or by phone.
Simone Siewerdt
T +49 (0) 721 / 8203 2367
ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)tdreweis.enomis (ed.ehurslrak-gfh(ta)tdreweis.enomis)