Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge

Photo: Laura Kluge
Last year the PD department didn't buy anything for its Rundgang presentation. We borrowed, rented and reappropriated existing local materials, tools and services to create a brutal and simple stage that displays the Seminars, prediploma and diploma projects of the students of the PD department. The loan of large concrete slabs was generously offered by Elementa, a company in Karlsruhe that produces high quality prefabricated reinforced concrete building elements. Elementa also kindly delivered the slabs to the school, using one of their trucks. A forklift was rented to position the slabs in the Lichthof. Leftover wood panels were used to protect the floor of the Lichthof. After having fulfilled their temporary function as a stage for the Rundgang, the slabs will return to Elementa, who will repurpose them to be used in future buildings.
Scenography by Julius Bläser, Laura Kluge Supervised by Chris Kabel, Katharina Wahl With kind help from Matthias Mai, Zaur Ahlimanov, Waldemar Schwab Kindly supported by Elementa Betonfertigteile