aspect-ratio 10x9 Posterdesign by Jessica Kiara Keßler

Posterdesign by Jessica Kiara Keßler, Photo: Jessica Kiara Keßler


organized by the department of exhibition design & scenography, the HfG invites everyone to join a talk with Raquel Roildete on June 10th at 17:15 Uhr / 5.15 pm at our Lichtbrücke (bridge) at HfG Karlsruhe.

In her presentation, the Lighting Designer Raquel Rosildete will share her research project called Colors in Between. In her ongoing artistic research, Raquel constantly questions and experiments with stage lighting for People of Color, and aims to understand how the design and technical choices are also biased by racism. How can a lighting designer, committed with anti racist practices, make design choices that respect the differences on the stage and use those differences as the basis of the design? Raquel proposes lighting design in which the performer on the stage and the story of their skin is the basis of the creative process. For more information:

Raquel Rosildete is a lighting designer for dance and theater, and she works in the Berlin independent scene for six years. She has always been involved in research, studying light and its performative aspects. Her work is dedicated to the dramaturgy of lighting and rhythm to bring visual narratives to the stage. Raquel has an experience of more than 15 years with lighting design in general, but since 2018, has been developing different work related to decolonial and anti-racist dance productions in Berlin.

Raquel toured and participated in festivals in dozens of european countries and various cities in Germany. In the last year she developed the lighting design of Bodies, and toured with them for the Philarmonics of Berlin, Dresden, Munich and other ten cities in their greatest music venues:

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