Design and photo: Anna Cairns, Sascia Reibel, Lino Santo (© HfG Karlsruhe)
The new HfG Karlsruhe annual report not only assembles a multitude of excellent works, final projects, and PhDs from the fields of art, design, and theory, which were made during the winter semester 2015/16 and the summer semester 2016 at the university. In focus of the 700 page publication is the dialog between different disciplines: throughout a range of interviews, professors and academic assistants from the art, design, and theory departments discuss topic such as professional identity and specialization, the interplay of theory and practice, different approaches to objects, and the role of an art and design university in the 21st century. Peter Weibel, director of ZKM Karlsruhe, and Siegfried Zielinski, rector of the HfG since early 2016, discuss the common history and common future of the two neighboring institutions.
The design concept of the volume also invites to interact and to enter into a dialog, no only with the book itself, but also with others who own it: Instead of a cover, each book comes shrink-wrapped with a sticker sheet in eight different color versions, which contains all important information on the book: title, ISBN, year of publishing, etc. Using the stickers, everyone can design their own individual book cover. Stickers with different colors can be recombined and traded with others who own the book.
The annual report was designed by Anna Cairns, Sascia Reibel, and Lino Santo who are communication design students at HfG Karlsruhe. Clemens Jahn was the managing editor and conducted interviews with Volker Albus, Jonathan Bepler, Michael Bielicky, BLESS, Anja Dorn, Daniel Hornuff, Andreas Müller, Matteo Pasquinelli, Sereina Rothenberger, Heike Schuppelius, Rebecca Stephany, João Tabarra, Peter Weibel, and Siegfried Zielinski.
The Karlsruhe University of Art and Design Annual Report 2015–16 can be obtained from the press office via:
Managing editor: Clemens Jahn
Design: Anna Cairns, Sascia Reibel, Lino Santo
ISBN: 978-3-930194-21-6