aspect-ratio 10x9 Notre-Dame de Paris während des Brandes am 15. April 2019

Notre-Dame de Paris während des Brandes am 15. April 2019, Foto: Wandrille de Préville (© Wandrille de Préville)

Life Among the Ruins

Herzliche Einladung zur öffentlichen Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Simon Sheikh, Professor für Theorie im Bereich Kritische Theorie und Medienphilosophie

17.10.24 // 18 Uhr // Großes Studio, HfG Karlsruhe

Ruinen werden in der Kunst oft als Erinnerung an ruhmreiche Gesellschaften und Kulturen rezipiert. In seiner Vorlesung "Life Among the Ruins" beschäftigt sich Prof. Dr. Sheikh unter anderem damit, inwiefern Ruinen darüber hinaus das sichtbare Zeichen eines historischen und gesellschaftlichen Ruins sind, der die Institutionen des ehemaligen Westens und ihre Fortschrittserzählungen in Frage stellt.

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

In art and aesthetics, the notion of the ruin has often been associated with the past, as memories of a former glorious societies, perhaps to be resurrected, perhaps lost forever, but always with a sublime beauty of their own as remnants, as memorials. This romantic notion of the ruin even led to the construction of artificial ruins in park landscapes in Europe throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, something that we can, arguably, see today in the ruins of neoliberalism with abandoned building sites after economic crashes, failed city- and geoplanning, rundown public infrastructures, and ecological disasters.

These sites is but the visible mark of a deeper sense of historical and societal ruination, that puts into question the institutions of the former west and their narratives of progress, and informs us about the ruins of the present on a global scale, politically, socially, and environmentally.

But if, as Paul B. Preciado wrote about the ruins of the burned church of Notre Dame, “the last of a world that ends, and the first of another world that begins” what futures can be built and imagined in our state of ruination? What lives and afterlives are to be had among the ruins?

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