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© Marine Hugonnier

Prof. Marine Hugonnier ist an artist filmmaker and Professor of Moving Image and Fictional Form at the Media Art Department of HfG.

In between documentary and fiction, Marine Hugonnier’s work constitutes an exploration of the politics of vision. Her practice is an attempt to deconstruct the inherent complicity between the gaze and political ideologies and aims to question the cultural and political framework that conforms each point of view. Her field of investigation is the space that separates the observed from its observer and the viewer from an image, as well as the materiality of film.

Her practice raises questions about the ontology of images in our Western cultural tradition, asking whether they refer in principle to colonial and extractive policies. The core of her research questions in turn what is represented, what cannot be represented or is under-represented, what is visible or induced. She has travelled extensively with her Aaton s16 mm camera on her shoulder, adopting the position of reporter and ethnographer, deliberately blurring the figure of the artist. For Marine Hugonnier, producing images implies thinking about the process of production in a reflexive way. Cinema is thus understood as a complex political act through which her work attempts to reconfigure the exchange they imply, in order to envisage a new regime of images.

Her films address feminism, seek the possibility of a non-gendered gaze and a convergence between human and non-human. Recent personal exhibition include: "Field Reports" at The Guggenheim in Bilbao (2024), "Cinema in the guts", at Le Jeu de Paume Paris (2022), Centre d’Art Contemporani, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain (2022), MMCA - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art – Seoul (2020). Her works belong to The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA, the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (ARC), Paris, France, the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Foundation, Vienna, Austria among others public and private collections.

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