aspect-ratio 10x9

Photo: Mika Schwarz

Susanne Kriemann is an artist and lives in Berlin and Karlsruhe. She is Professor of Code & Image at the HfG.

Kriemann examines the medium of photography in the context of social history and archival practice. With an expanded concept of the photographic document, she reflects on the world as an analog “recording system” for human-caused processes. This has led to a preoccupation with radioactivity and mining, archaeology and the concept of “slow violence". A distinctive feature of Kriemann's work is the extraction of pigments from the material being studied and the use of these pigments in her techniques of image production.

Kriemann's work has been exhibited internationally, currently (2024) at KunstHausWien Museum Hundertwasser, Tavros Athens, CCA Montreal, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven and the Diriyah Biennale in Saudi Arabia. Her works were part of “Mining Photography” at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, KunstHausWien and Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, and of “Image Ecology” at C/O Berlin. Her pictures and texts have been published in international magazines, including Oktober Magazine, Camera Austria, Esse, and others. Since 1998 Susanne Kriemann has authored seventeen artist's books, published with Spector Books Leipzig, Roma publications Amsterdam, Sternberg Press London.

"The examination of what it is to record the world around us and how we receive it are essential components of my teaching for the Code & Image professorship. The focus is on developing students' critical awareness of form, content, materiality and collegiality. Developing a sustainable approach to the media is fundamental. When teaching light-based processes, students can get to know the entire range of technical and material-specific possibilities of analog and digital recording systems and develop their works independently. Based on a fundamentally expanded concept of drawing with light, photosynthetic materials are tested and further developed as recorders.”

The teaching formats include seminars, lectures, discussions, presentations, workshops, studio visits, field research and excursions.

Kriemann has been a visiting lecturer at NYU Berlin since 2019 and is co-founder of the artists' initiative AiR Berlin Alexanderplatz in Berlin. In 2023/24 she is a fellow of the residency program of the University of Siegen and the Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen.

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