Communication Design means to give reality a form. Be it for designing books, posters, websites, films, exhibitions or campaigns, the students of this department contribute their skills and talent to all areas of social life. They also design events and “raw design materials” such as fonts, illustrations, and photographs.
This course offers an intensive access to all topics by means of practical project work. Students work, develop, research and implement their ideas either individually or in small groups. Rarely does one professor supervise more than ten students. By limiting the size of the groups, optimal instruction and supervision is guaranteed for each student.
At all time, students have access to the university’s versatile and fully equipped workshops and can create their ideas in almost any form. Here, manual work plays an important part. Another advantage to studying at HfG is the renowned designers from all over the world who visit HfG Karlsruhe to support the professors in each department. They conduct workshops and seminars, hold lectures and present state-of-the-art communication design to the student body.
The department’s goal is to educate students to become independent designers. Students should not only learn how to fulfill contracts but also develop their own work and ideas. At HfG, it is not an unusual sight to see students of the department already beginning to run major projects, do contract work, or establish small agencies and galleries during their studies. This kind of “design entrepreneurship” is specifically supported by the department.
As the world is constantly changing and becoming a more global society, the practical studies at HfG offer students the opportunity to expand design beyond the field’s traditional boundaries, allowing the field to develop further and giving students the potential to fundamentally change it.
Prof. Paul Bailey
Professor for Design in Visual Communication and research (Communication Design)
Prof. Line-Gry Hørup
Professur für Kommunikationsdesign
Prof. Tereza Ruller
Professur für Kommunikationsdesign und Digitale Praktiken
Prof. Isabel Seiffert
Professorship for Communication Design and Visual Literacy
Academic Assistants
Student & Final Projects 2017/18
KD 2017/18
L’ordre compliqué
KD 2017/18
Hector und das Wunder der Freundschaft
KD 2017/18
White Noise – A Speculative Sketch of the New City
KD 2017/18
William Wilson
KD 2017/18
Proto Migraine Buildings
KD 2017/18
Miss 12000 Volt – Close to the Machine
KD 2017/18
HumanGym 2030
KD 2017/18
The Political Economy of Data
KD 2017/18
The Way It Is Told, It Was Not Like That
KD 2017/18
KD 2017/18
Questions? – Looking for answers in the middle of somewhere
KD 2017/18
Student & Final Projects 2016/17
KD 2016/17
Greetings from Greece
Diploma by Xenia Fastnacht
KD 2016/17
Diploma by Nico Butschbacher
KD 2016/17
I, naked (quasi)
Intermediate Diploma by Rebecca Zink
KD 2016/17
Diploma by Sophia Hamann
KD 2016/17
Layers of Belief
Diploma by Thomas Maier
KD 2016/17
Erde, die; -n Plural selten (Earth, the; seldom used in plural)
Diploma by Eike Stender
KD 2016/17
ich und die
Intermediate diploma by Tatjana Pfeiffer
KD 2016/17
Diploma, Project Work by Iris Weigel und Philippe Mainz
KD 2016/17
Diploma by Larissa Mantel
KD 2016/17
The End of my Childhood – Diary of Hermann Stimmler
Intermediate diploma by Moritz Schottmüller
KD 2016/17
99> (99 or less)
Intermediate diploma by Mio Kojima
KD 2016/17
Intermediate Diploma by Nathalie Gillen
KD 2016/17
Alasitas – Market of Wishes
Diploma by Paola Bascon
KD 2016/17
Form of Showing
Intermediate diploma by Cecile Kobel
KD 2016/17
a journey
Intermediate diploma by Severin Geißler
KD 2016/17
Fachkundige Frauen
Intermediate diploma by Emma-Lilo Keller